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Psalms 77

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Intro: This is a Psalm of Asaph. Whether it is the Asaph of David’s day who was the chief singer and musician in the tabernacle or if it was one of his descendants who bore both his name and office amongst God’s people during the days of Israelite captivity is of little significance. What is of great significance is the condition of this man. He is spiritually distraught. He is in a place where God has not dealt with him in some time. It is destroyed his sleep and his peace. He wonders if God will ever work again, but he can’t help but remember the days of old. When he is reminded of these things, he is encouraged knowing nothing is too hard for God.

In v. 11, he recognizes his problem. It is not everybody else. It is not the fault of God. THIS IS MY INFIRMITY. I have a problem, and that problem is that I am not where I used to be with God!

He Recognized: v. 10, Like blind Bartimaeus, he admitted his condition and sought help. As long as we are blaming our problem on society, the church, the preacher, our family, the economy, the government, we will never get victory. Bartimaeus could have asked for a BIGGER CUP, A BETTER CUSHION, A BUSIER CORNER, but he would have still been a BLIND BEGGAR! Quit saying like the Laodecians that you are rich and increased with goods and recognize your wretchedness!

What did the Psalmist do to get out of this backslidden condition?

He Remembered. In fact, he remembered 4 times!

Remembered His Song: v. 6, He remembered how he used to sing, used to have joy, used to walk with God, used to testify, but not he is nothing more than a bundle of defeat. His joy and peace absolutely gone. He has no song. As He considered this... he had to think, “Where did I lose it?” Like the man with the axe head in II Kings 6, he had to determine where it was lost in order to find it! What were you doing when you had it and what were you doing when you lost it? Quit doing what you are and start doing what you were! Did you lose it at the Honky Tonk? Beer Joint? Dance Hall? That Floozy’s House? Did you lose it in a prayerless night? Careless Worship? Life without witness? Did you lose it in your pursuit for money? Success? Popularity? Acceptance? Achievement? Possessions? Get back to where you were before you lost it.

            Remembered The Works of God of Old: v. 10-11, He remembers this is three ways.

He Meditated: v. 12,  focus one's mind for a time for spiritual purposes;  think carefully about. In order to meditate, one must shut out all other items from his mind and focus on only the one thing on which he meditates. Get in your prayer closet or private place and shut out some things and let God move in you!

He Testified: v. 12, If you will do these things, a testimony will be the evidence of an overflown heart. That is how I know that people are not as near with God today as in the past... nobody testifies anymore! People used to speak regularly about their personal experiences with God. When we start having them again, we will start testifying again!

Conclusion: the beginning to your recovery is to recognize your infirmity! Recognize you are not where you need to be with God. Consider, remember, and meditate on God, and draw nigh unto him. He will draw nigh unto you!

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