Look To Jesus Matthew 14:23-33 Intro: This is quite a familiar story about the storm and Jesus who walked
on the sea. Peter walked on the water as well, but when he took his eyes off Jesus he began to sink. When he called out to
the Lord, he walked on the water again. I want to preach today on Look To Jesus. “Look to him Keep your eyes upon the Savior Trust in Jesus, He’s
the one who really cares Put your hand in the hand of the man who never fails When you need a friend, Look to Him” I want to share three
things with you today: I.
LOOK TO HIM IN SALVATION: There are so many who are looking for another way to God. II Cor 11:4 said
they would preach another Jesus, have another Spirit, and declare another Gospel, but Jesus said in John 10:1, “Verily,
verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a
thief and a robber.” There is no other way but through Jesus. Man is condemned by his own deeds and can not save
himself. It is no wonder that Jesus said to Nicodemus, “Ye must be born again.” George Whitfield preached
more than 300 times on being born again. Many are trying to be redeemed by some other means, but their salvation is like a
broken cistern that won't hold water. For Example: A. Many will emphatically declare: Baptism saves. They believe
in baptismal regeneration, if their church does it. B.
Another equally earnest religionist will say: Confession, penance, and payment for deliverance from purgatory is the
way to God, but ye must be born again! C.
Still another super-spiritual, outwardly impressive individual will say, pray on till you begin to chatter, meditate
on till you begin to convulse, work up the flesh into a frenzy, and then you can know that you are redeemed, but ye must be
born again! D.
Another serious minded, sanctified appearing person will say it is all in your state of mind. If you think your are
a Christian, then you are a Christian, and if you don't you're not. Still, You must be born again! E. Still another says: sit "Yogi" style and chant,
hum, and meditate, and soon you will find yourself. This will open the door to the inner man showing you the way to eternal
life, but ye must be born again! F.
Someone else said, "Sprinkling as a baby and confirmation as a junior will make you a Christian as an adult. But
Jesus said, "Marvel not that I say unto you, Ye must be born again! G. Another's religious philosophy says to give when you
can to anything you like, do the best you can, be kind to others, and you are bound to make it to heaven, but God's Word
says, "Ye must be born again!" H.
Some preach a social gospel of good works and religion, and they say it really makes no difference what religion you
trust in as long as you believe in something. God's Word, however, says it is by repentance toward God and faith in the
Lord Jesus Christ. Except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish. Ye must be born again! I. A Well-intentioned soul who truly is a believer
in heart will try to win souls by sharing the simple Gospel and asking others to repeat a well-intentioned prayer, but Jesus
said, "Ye must be born again!" J.
Some deceptive back-scratching, ear-tickling, pussy-footing, flashy-dressing preacher looking for a bigger crowd, a
better paycheck, and the brethren to pat him on the back for all of his accomplishments will say, "Come to church and
get a treat and a gift, and an extra gift for a visitor, and while you're getting, you may as well get religion and be
baptized too." But Jesus said, "Ye must be born again!" You must Look To Jesus For Salvation K. Peter cried out, “Lord Save Me!”
(v. 30) II.
LOOK TO HIM IN THE STORM: It is impossible to live in this world without
storms and trouble. Jesus said in John 16:33, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace.
In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” There are four stories
in this chapter of the Word Of God. A.
The Murder Of The Baptist: v. 1-12. Can you imagine the storm of emotions in these disciples? Their friend, the one
who pointed them to Christ, the most prominent preacher of the times had been killed for preaching! Surely they were certain
that Jesus was next, and they were to follow! What should they do? v. 13-14, they looked to Jesus! They got alone in a quiet
place with the Lord. John was dead, but Jesus had compassion on them and healed them! Your help is not in a preacher, the
church, or the most revered saint. It is in the Lord. B.
The Multiplying Of The Bread: v. 15-21. It would seem that this would not be the biggest of their problems, but the
Lord knew they were hungry. 1.
He is interested in our every problem: I Peter 5:7 2. He feels the breaking of our hearts 3. He knows how to help us in every situation: Hope
when others let you down, Healing when you are sick, food when you are hungry, and peace when the storm rages. C. The Manifestation In The Blasting Wind: v. 22-33. When
the very thing that Jesus told them to do was not working out like he said and they were about to give up all hope, they saw
that they were not on the sea alone! Jesus was out there too! But while they were toiling and rowing in desperation, he was
walking on the water. Your troubles may be more than you can handle, but it is all under his feet! He is still in control,
and if you will look to Jesus, you too can walk on the water like Peter! D. The Miracles For The Believing: v. 34-36. All that believed
received. So it is today. Matt 7:7-11, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall
be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be
opened. Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give
him a serpent? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which
is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?” III. LOOK TO JESUS FOR SATISFACTION: Ps 23:1. So many people can not be happy. They can not find satisfaction. They are in constant stress and pain, but
there is satisfaction to be had in Jesus. Conclusion: Look
to him. Wherever you are in life today, Look to Jesus. There is help to be found there.