Truth Baptist Church, Bremen, GA

Consequences Of Clergy Without Convictions
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The Consequences of Clergymen With No Convictions

Exodus 32:1-9, 15-28, 35

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Intro: What are convictions? I do not speak necessarily of the conviction of the Holy Ghost, but I speak of the conviction of the conscience. Convictions are not a matter of theology, but they are a matter of lifestyle. Convictions deal not with what you believe, but they deal with how you live. Moses had them, but Aaron did not. Aaron believed all the same things that Moses did, but his lifestyle choices were a bit different. He had no convictions. We are in a day when:

1. Parents have no convictions about their children’s lives.

2. Parishioners have no convictions about their church lives.

And it is so because

3. Preachers have no convictions about their Christian lives!

We are reaping in this day, years of clergymen, preachers, with no convictions. It has injured the church. It has undermined the institution of the home. It has scarred the morality of society. I want to show you the consequences of clergymen with no convictions:

I. Corrupt Worship:

A. Worship the Wrong Things: v. 4

B. Worship the Wrong Way: v. 6, It was all of the flesh, and they were not serious.

II. Calloused Consciences:

A. They Worshiped a False God with no conviction: v. 6

B. They Wore no clothes, but had no shame: v. 25, now that they had been caught, they were ashamed, but when Moses was in the mountains, they were not ashamed to be naked.

C. They Wrought this evil before their children without concern.

III. Cowardly Leadership:

A. Cowards in dealing with Carnality: v. 1

B. Cowards in dealing with Accusation: v. 21

C. Cowards enough to lie about their sins: v. 24

IV. Chastisement of the People:

A. Destruction of their Picture: v. 20, remember that the calf was a symbol use in Egyptian pagan worship. They had made a picture of Egyptian life. They sought to be just like them.

B. Drinking of the Powder: v. 20

C. Death of the People: v. 28, This absence of conviction is killing our children!

Conclusion: Our children are dying while the church has eating, drinking, and playing. May God once more give us men and women with convictions again! Let it begin with our ministers, but let it flow through our members!

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