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Leviticus 1:1-4

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Intro: The book of Leviticus is a book about the priesthood. It is all about the plan of God to deal with the sin of man. And there is only one way for God to deal with sin... he must judge it. In Leviticus he gives us the law of how he goes about judging sin and showing mercy to the sinner. He accomplishes this through the atonement. The priest of God serves as a mediator between God and man and offers in man’s stead a sacrifice of blood to satisfy the judgment of the Almighty against sin and offer forgiveness and freedom from guilt to the sinner. Notice some things about these verses:

v. 2, The offering had to be “of the heard...” made like all the others. Jesus was made in the likeness of sinful flesh that he might condemn sin in the flesh (Romans 8:3)

v. 3, Still it had to be a perfect lamb “without blemish.” He was one of us, but he never became marred with us in our sin. He subjected himself to our poverty, but never suffered our bankruptcy.

v. 3, “He shall offer it of his own voluntary will.” Jesus laid down his life, and if you ever receive the atonement, it will have to be voluntary as well!

v. 3, Public Sacrifice: “at the door of the congregation”. So was Christ publicly offered, and if you ever get saved, you will also have to be unashamed.

v. 3, Providential Sacrifice: “before the Lord”. Remember, the death of the atonement is first for the sake of the Sovereign, and secondly for the sake of the sinner. It is primarily to satisfy God’s holiness and secondarily to forgive man’s sins.

v. 4, Personal Sacrifice: “it shall be accepted for him to make atonement for him.” He died for you and for me, and he wants to save you on a personal basis!

This “atonement” is from a root word meaning literally “to cover.” It is God’s manner of cancelling our debt by allowing another to pay the price. This atonement appeases God, disannuls judgment, pardons and purges away our sins. Though there is much that we could preach about the atonement, I want to show you three occasions in the Bible where there was atonement made. There was atonement for:

I.          THE SON: Gen 4, When the sons of Adam were cursed by their father’s sin, there was atonement for both boys, but Cain chose the fruit of his labor and rejected the blood of the lamb. Sin lied at the door, and the only cure for sin is the blood! (Heb 9:22). Cain’s punishment was greater than he could bear and so will be all who reject the blood. Hebrews 2:9 says he tasted death for every man, but every man won’t accept the atonement. But “How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation!” Heb 2:3.

II.        THE SLAVES: Exodus 12, When Israel was under oppression from Egypt and mean old Pharaoh and the death angel was making his way through the land to take the life of each of the first born of both man and beast, there was atonement for the slaves. Though the king lost his son, the slaves had atonement God gave what he called “a lamb” (v. 3), “the lamb” (v. 4), and “your lamb” (v. 5). It is not for only the rich and famous, but it is for even the slaves. It is for the highest and lowest. He is your lamb if you will have it! With the blood of this lamb they struck the door post in two directions... across the top and on the sides.

A.        Across the top: blood stood between Israel and the Lord. It was a saving atonement.

B.        Down the sides: blood stood between Israel and Egypt. It was a sanctifying and separating atonement.

III.       THE SINNERS: When all mankind was under the judgment hand of God, there was and is atonement. Isaiah 53... note verse 12.

Conclusion: It takes the blood to wash away sin. If you have seen yourself under condemnation today, it is time to seek atonement. There’s room at the cross for you!

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